A winning exam plan may contain the following:
Examinees must initially glimpse through the exam curricula and mark the areas and topics that they are unfamiliar with. The backgrounds of candidates for the AiE™ certification vary, and some may have more education or experience in Ai and allied disciplines than others. They must take the time to analyze their abilities, competencies, and skills to look for areas that need improvement, and recognize the coping skills they can use to overcome obstacles or knowledge gaps. Examinees who know their standing can move to the next step of understanding the exam and planning their preparation.
Examinees must begin by thoroughly understanding the structure of the AiE™ exam – what are the topics; what is the relative importance of topics in the exam and how can the topics be clustered together for smarter planning. They can create a smart study plan only by getting a good grip on the exam's format, components, and subject domains. Additionally, preparing flashcards on important topics can prove useful because they help test conceptual knowledge quickly.
Passing the AiE™ exam isn’t an uphill task if there is an agile plan. Examinees must start studying for the exam early, so that there is plenty of time to go through the learned topics, align the study effort (hence study time) to the percentage importance (weightage) of topics given in the exam structure. Start by quickly revising the foundational aspects of all the topics mentioned in the exam curricula. Focus on their details later. This is to ensure that none of the topics are left for the last minute and to ensure that examinees have covered everything. Make sure to find a balance between the topics that require the most preparation time and the topics that don't require as much.
Examinees must run their study plan through a test. For instance, they can check if the first two days of the plan they chalked has worked for them in terms of added learning; clearer comprehension, and a sharper perspective on application. If study plan is not helping, examinees need to modify it. For instance, the timetable might not have been flexible enough to account for unforeseen events, or it might be overly strategized. They need to avoid giving in to the urge to abandon their strategy and let themselves collapse. Minor modifications will be sufficient to maintain the course plan or study strategy.
Examinees can study in a room with enough white light and no interruptions. Many prefer yellow light as it helps them concentrate better. Study on a desk that is large enough to accommodate an open book and a workstation together, at the same time. They can also contact their family and workplace for support and understanding of their priorities and needs. Performing some physical activities while studying is another smart move that will improve the ability to concentrate.
Managing multiple activities can become quite overwhelming for students or professionals who are also studying for the AiE™ exam while working. A rested body and mind will enable them to concentrate and approach the subject with vigor. The best way to maximize study time is by taking a quick break after studying for 30 minutes.
Examinees are suggested to take as many online quizzes and tests as possible after finishing a topic. These external tests can help in building comfort with the unfamiliar Ai topics – and that’s what the AiE™ real exam may well be. Generally, 30 to 50 questions in every topic is a good number to drive away anxiety on external exams. Additionaly, they must also take the mock exam coupled with the main AiE™ exam to get a flavor of what the exam is like.
Set a goal to track learning or revising during each study session. Ai and machine learning demand skills of requirement analysis, problem-solving, programming, and solution execution. Hence, self-checks must be rigorous enough to help rate and increase examinees’ ability to apply knowledge. Goals help examinees perform better by assuring they are responsible for both their triumphs and mistakes. They also help them advance by breaking down a bigger purpose into a series of smaller accomplishments. In addition, examinees who establish and achieve goals experience accomplishment and confidence, which boosts their self-esteem and productivity.
To create goals that are incredibly clear and actionable, use the S.M.A.R.T. framework. This is how it goes:
Being very explicit about what has to be accomplished is the first step. Just one statement outlining what needs to be learned in each exam topic will be enough
Make sure the set goals are easily measurable. Set a block of uninterrupted time each week to work toward the objective.
Keeps goals in reach. Lower the bar to create initial habits before gradually increasing the effort and time.
Relevance is the key to making goals meaningful. It is important to deeply understand the goal’s impact on life and well-being by committing to it.
Decide on a timeline for celebrating when the goal is achieved. Post the result on your social media platforms and let your friends and family be a part of your celebration.
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